Club Recruitment

The following guidelines are designed to improve the club recruitment process at Penn and make it easier for potential club applicants to navigate what is oftentimes a difficult process, however the Student Activities Council encourages all clubs to have open admissions without applications.

  1. Organizations are prohibited from asking questions of applicants that may constitute discrimination or harassment based on the​ University of Pennsylvania Non-discrimination Statement​.

  2. Each organization must provide the SAC Executive Board a description of its recruitment process, including example interview questions, when registering for the Fall and Spring Activities Fairs.

  3. Organizations may not collect resumes from first-year students; however, a list of activities may be requested on a written application.

  4. Organizations may not ask questions or brain-teasers specifically designed to fluster or make candidates uncomfortable during interviews.

  5. Organizations must limit rounds of recruiting (i.e. interviews or auditions) to two (2) rounds of interviews each semester per candidate for each position. No candidate should be expected to participate in more than three (3) interviews total for a single club. An exception may be made if the candidate is applying to join multiple entry-level committees of the same organization.

    • Exceptions (a third round of interviews/auditions/try-outs) must be revisited at the start of every academic year through a meeting and written application between an organization and their SAC Liaison.

    • Note: If a candidate must go through two (2) rounds of interviews for a committee-level club position, then they must not be expected to go through another two (2) rounds of interviews if they would like to apply for an executive board position in the same semester.

  6. Organizations may not require specific attire of applicants during rounds of recruiting except when necessary for the completion of the recruiting activity. Members should also make their best effort to not dress or act in an intimidating manner.

  7. Each organization must inform each applicant by name of their application status no later than one week after the organization has made a final decision regarding their application. Acceptable forms of communication include, but are not limited to, email or phone.

    • Anonymous forms of communication, such as a mass email where applicants are BCC’ed, are not acceptable.

  8. Organizations may not invite non-Penn Undergraduates (i.e. professional consultants, alumni, Graduate students...) to oversee or take part in recruiting rounds.

    • Exceptions must be revisited at the start of every semester through a meeting and written application between an organization and their SAC Liaison. Exceptions will only be granted if it proves to be in alignment with the mission and niche of the organization.

  9. Organizations cannot publish their acceptance rate, but must provide a list of applicants and accepted members, along with their contact information to SAC (

    • The demographics of an accepted pool of applicants must roughly reflect the diversity of the received application pool.

10. All clubs are encouraged to have open admissions, however organizations ​must​ have an opportunity for open engagement with their group. This may look like...

  • General open membership (no application or other pre-entry activity required)

    • General members may be on a Listserv and invited to General Body Meetings/events but cannot represent the group in an official capacity. General membership must mean that individuals have the ability to engage meaningfully with the organization’s niche.

    • Community/Public Service groups may only require applications for leadership positions (i.e. Executive Board)

    • Cultural/International groups may only require applications for leadership positions (i.e. Executive Board)

    • Publications organizations must have an open call for submissions on an issue by issue basis, only requiring applications for leadership positions (i.e. Executive Board, editorial team)

  • Robust and free open events

    • PAC and SCC recognized groups must host 1 open event per semester that allows for meaningful community engagement with their niche. Open membership is not required due to shortage of resources and capacity for organization. Organizations will connect with their SAC Liaison to verify the hosting of open events.

Potential violations of these guidelines will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Student Activities Council Executive Board and the Office of Student Affairs.

The SAC Executive Board may request additional information regarding group recruitment processes on a case-by-case basis, especially if groups have had violations of these guidelines in the past.