Expectations of SAC-Recognized Groups

As a SAC-recognized groups, there are certain requirements and expectations that groups must meet in order to maintain their recognitions status. They are as follows.


Each semester, SAC holds three general body meetings (GBMs). Every SAC-recognized group must send a representative to each of these GBMs. One GBM absence in an academic year results in a warning. Two GBM absences in an academic year results in de-recognition.


Details about club recruitment guidelines can be found here. Groups must abide by the club recruitment policies outlined by SAC Exec. These are not unique to SAC groups, but all groups at Penn. 

University Registration

All SAC-funded groups are required to register with the Office of Student Affairs(OSA) at the start of each school year.  Student organizations are required to (re)register in the Penn Clubs database by the end of September to maintain their status as a SAC-recognized group.


The following budget cuts will be applied at the end of October for the current year's annual budget based on carryover debt from the previous academic year ending in June:

<$500 | 0% budget cut
$501 - $1000 | 15% budget cut
$1001 - $1500 | 20% budget cut
$1501 - $2000 | 25% budget cut
>$2000 | Funds frozen, subject to de-recognition if repayment plan is not approved by SAC Exec

The following administrative penalties will applied during the academic year as debt is accumulated:

  1. All student organizations with carryover debt from the previous year will be unable to apply for contingency (unless a repayment plan is in place).

  2. All student organizations in debt that become de-recognized will not be able to apply for re-recognition until they have repaid their debt.

  3. Student organizations may avoid penalties if they can show proof of incoming revenue to be deposited that will cover debt.

  4. If the budget cut penalty amount exceeds the amount of actual debt, the amount of actual debt will be used instead.