Obtaining and Using Funding from SAC

What can i get funds for?

SAC allocates funding according to the funding guidelines that can be found here. There are 9 categories that SAC can provide funding for: communication; costumes; dues; equipment and supplies; facilities and security; honoraria and services; photocopies, printing, and publicity; production; and travel and conference fees. SAC does not fund food-related costs or retroactively. SAC groups may make charitable donations with their revenue. Funding is typically restricted to needs in line with a group's primary mission.

What are the different methods of funding?

There are multiple ways of obtaining funding through SAC. The first is through applying for an annual budget during the Budget and Allocations period in the Spring. You can find out more about that process here. The other types of funding are contingency funding and emergency contingency funding (contingency funding without the ability to appeal). You can read more about these funding types below. You can also obtain funding from sources outside of SAC. Here is an easy guide to the funding sources at Penn.

Can I appeal my budget decision?

Yes, you can. Every semester following the allocation of club budgets, there is a budget appeal process. If your group would like to appeal your annual budget (allocated in April), please email chair@sacfunded.net with the following information: 

- A document containing your initial request and initial allocation, as well as details of your appeal. You do not have to appeal your entire budget; however, an appeal in any category may result in no change in funding if denied. Please be as detailed as possible, including exact figures for funds and details on events you may have received more clarity on.

What is contingency funding?

Each year, SAC reserves a portion of its total budget for contingency funding. Think of contingency funds as a source of "a-­la-­carte," as-you-need-it SAC funding. Should your group decide to host an event or undertake a project that requires funds not already included in your budget for that year, you may want to consider submitting a contingency request.

Please request funding through SAC Online and by scheduling a meeting with Exec (email exec@sacfunded.net). If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the SAC chair.

My club is planning an event. When should I submit a contingency request?

SAC Exec recommends submitting your contingency request as soon as exact costs are known for your event/project. However, it is strongly recommended that contingency requests be submitted at least one month prior to the scheduled event. This gives SAC Exec enough time to review the request and ask any supplementary questions in reaching its final recommendation. You should be equipped with figures and estimates from vendors in accordance with the SAC Funding Guidelines.

How do i submit a contingency request?

Take a look at our step-by-step instructions here.

Can I appeal SAC Exec's recommendation regarding my contingency request?

Yes. As long as your request was not "emergency contingency," you may appeal SAC Exec's recommendation at the next SAC GBM.

What does "emergency contingency" mean?

Should your contingency request pertain to funds needed before the next SAC GBM, it will be deemed an "emergency contingency." Your request will be reviewed and voted upon by the executive board. Decisions made on emergency contingencies cannot be appealed to the General Body.

Can I submit a contingency request to cover funds for a past event?

No. SAC does not fund groups retroactively. Please plan accordingly and submit your contingency requests before the date of your event.

Is contingency funding guaranteed?

No, approval of contingency funding is never a guarantee. SAC Exec makes every effort to provide funding for activities that are deemed essential to a group's mission but at no time can SAC guarantee that funds will be approved. Contingency funding should be viewed as a potential source of funding but not the sole source of funding. Groups are highly encouraged to pursue alternative sources of revenue to cover the cost of activities.

How do I use the funds SAC Exec has allocated to my student group?

There are multiple ways to use the funding SAC Exec has granted your group. You can use your group's credit card through OSA, submit receipts for reimbursement to your OSA Financial Liaison, submit receipts for reimbursement through Concur, and more. For information on which option is best for your group and how to carry it out, you can take a look at the financial guide here or contact your OSA Financial Liaison as instructed here